Video Girl is a three-piece music project consisting of vocalist/lyricist Emily Gaul, vocalist/producer/audio engineer Bryan Pascarella and producer/audio engineer Zaki Elhajoui. The trio first met each other while growing up, in Sarasota, Florida. Elhajoui and Pascarella started playing music together at a young age, and went onto form a musical duo called SWIIM. Gaul moved to the “Mile-High City” of Denver, Colorado, while SWIIM stayed in Florida making music. After graduating from college at USF, Pascarella moved out of Florida and to Portland, still making music with Elhajoui, based in Sarasota, through the power of the Internet. After spending some time in Portland, Pascarella decided it wasn’t where he wanted to be. He moved out to Denver to stay with Gaul in Denver and they have lived there together ever since, while Elhajoui is currently still in Florida finishing up his degree. Gaul and Pascarella would record covers of their favorite songs from the comfort of their home studio and would upload their music to SoundCloud. Recording covers then turned into recording original demos, over instrumentals produced by Elhajoui and Pascarella. Elhajoui and Pascarella would both also lend a hand in the mixing and mastering of the tracks. This continued for months until the collective realized they were sitting on a mountain of music and Gaul insisted that they do something with the music. She went onto send the tracks to multiple music blogs, websites and radio stations, including CPR’s Indie 102.3 which ended up getting their songs featured on their local radio station. Their music is a bewitching combination of acoustic and electronic sounds, creating some of the smoothest indie pop songs in recent memory. Gaul’s and Pascarella’s vocals work incredibly well together, and the production handled by him and Elhajoui is just so catchy. The lyricism invites the listener to remember previous relationships and experiences, pulling them into a unique whirlwind of emotions. Video Girl’s debut EP, Girl, is a charming breath of fresh air, and they show no signs of stopping.
~Isaac Tellechea